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When I started working with Anne, I was truly in the worst place career wise. I felt miserable, stuck, hopeless, and lacked any sort of direction - all I knew was the job I had was absolutely not the right job for me, and I needed a change. Working with Anne was like putting on glasses - everything is clearer. This process was probably one of the most important processes of my life - I truly haven't felt so connected with who I am as a person in years (if ever). This coaching program was so much more than "career" coaching. It re-connected me with who I am and gave me the tools for how to harness that person professionally. I feel so empowered to make the right choices for myself, and have so much more mental fortitude thanks to this process. I really cannot thank Anne enough for how much she helped me get to where I am now. I feel in total control of my path, my emotions, and my future. I'm so grateful I made this investment in myself and cannot recommend Anne enough to anyone who similarly is lost and not sure how to even begin. Anne took what felt like the impossible of totally re-inventing my career and made it very very possible.

Morgan, New York

Working with Anne was the best investment I've made in my career journey thus far. Despite numerous achievements, external recognition, and upward career progression, I was still feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and surprisingly quite lost, and I didn't know who to talk to. The work enabled me to see more clearly the direction I wanted my career to go in and what my next steps should be. My work-life balance has improved considerably, as has my overall outlook and approach to my career. I feel way more grounded on a day-to-day basis and very optimistic about the future. The best part is that I can easily refer to and reuse what she taught me or what we worked on together, should I ever feel stuck again or need to pivot.  If you're having a "mid-career crisis", about to make a big career decision/move, or are just beginning your career journey post education, I cannot recommend Anne enough.

Sara, Oregon

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Anne changed my life. When we started I felt like I was stuck at a dead-end and berating myself for it. With her guidance I learned how to re-frame my perspective and see all the possibilities before me. Since working with her I changed industries, opened my own side business, and generally feel unstoppable. Anne is empathetic, creative, and also structured in her approach. I felt like she had my back and kept me moving forward and learning new things every session. She has so much to offer in different areas that all resonated, from dealing with my emotions, to time management, to sales advice.

Isabelle, London

Working with Anne has been one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made, and I cannot recommend her enough. Within just six months, she was able to positively impact nearly every piece of my career and life. Her perfectly tailored approach alongside her innate wisdom and intuition allows her to take clients to the next level - whether it’s building confidence, evaluating their current career or building a new idea. I believe that some will search an entire lifetime for the toolset that Anne provides within six months. I now have tools that will help me grow confidently and authentically forever

Eamon, Los Angeles

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Life changing! I came to coaching to rethink my career. I've done that, but more importantly to me, I'm leaving as a far more energetic, confident and free version of myself. After trying and failing for YEARS,  I have finally decoupled my self-worth from my productivity. I would absolutely recommend going on this journey with Anne - the impact has been a lot more far reaching than I expected. She's given me the tools and support I needed not only to breathe new life into my career but also to craft a life that's uniquely my own. 

Catherine, Norwich

Working with Anne this past year has been utterly transformative. I came to her in a state of unease after a year of maternity leave, and I was anxious about returning to work, and more broadly how to get what I wanted from work in this new chapter of my life. Anne's kind, thoughtful and gently challenging style, as well as her incredible tools and practical support, guided me through a tough transition, and left me with clarity and confidence about where I am going. I know I will look back on this coaching journey as one of the pivotal moments in my career.

Sarah, London
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Finding purpose and direction.

Damien, New York
When I first began working with Anne, I was very much "lost" in my career, and in so many other ways. I felt confused, uninspired, and frustrated, and these feelings were spilling into most aspects of my daily life. Anne met me where I was and coached me through a methodical process of active self-reflection that, more than merely restore, has drastically heightened my sense of trust in myself beyond what it has ever been. She helped me to reconnect with my interests and passions and to identify professional pursuits that feel exciting to me. She taught me how to engage in meaningful conversations with others in my network – something that I previously had no interest or belief in – to explore new perspectives and obtain concrete answers to the questions that lay at the heart of my decisions about the present and the future of my career. Anne has provided me with strategies – including, most fundamentally, the power to tune into and harness my intuition – that have enabled me to develop a robust vision for my career that I feel truly excited about, and that will allow me to navigate ongoing changes in my personal and professional life as I build on that vision. I am very happy to say I now have a sharp instinct for what it is I am working towards, and I am comfortable with and confident in the process of continually refining my professional goals. 

Christina, Philadelphia

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Hands down, working with Anne was one of the best decisions I've made in my adult life. I started working with Anne when I was still recovering from major burnout and feeling totally lost about what I wanted to do next. She helped me get back on my feet and rebuild my sense of self. I learned how to be kinder to myself, break habits that didn't serve me, and form new ones that have helped me thrive both personally and professionally. She then helped me restructure my current role and launch my own coaching practice. I could not be happier to share that I'm finally creating a career that makes me feel excited and alive. 

Lizzie, New York
I was defeated after a year of applying for jobs and not being hired. I knew I had a lot to offer, but couldn't articulate or pitch myself during conversations and interviews. Anne helped me identify where my skills, strengths, and experience would thrive and empowered me with all the tools I need to speak confidently about myself, my value, and my offering. Beyond feeling prepared to interview for and land a new job, Anne helped me advocate for myself in getting my title changed at my current company to match my contribution and value. In my personal life, I can manage my time more efficiently which prevents me from feeling overwhelmed in balancing motherhood and a full-time job, and even allows me to have time for myself to do things that give me energy and bring me joy. 

I  was hesitant to invest in myself and felt guilty at first for putting my personal dreams in front of my family's, but I am so thankful I took the leap to work with Anne. She has a gift of helping others realize what is inside them and the tools necessary to bring their goals to reality. She changed my life in so many ways, I am filled with excitement for what's ahead and gratitude for Anne and her program.

Emily, Connecticut

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Working with Anne was truly transformational. I’d been skeptical about coaches and career training but was going through a long period of feeling lost in my job and was experiencing emotions of self-doubt. I listened to several episodes of The Career Studio podcast and Anne’s words really resonated with me, so I decided to invest in myself. The experience exceeded my expectations and was greatly rewarding.

During the five-month program Anne created a safe space in which I felt okay being vulnerable, and she really pushed me to examine my uncomfortable feelings associated with my job and to work through them. Her program gave me a level of structure and accountability that I needed, and I came away with a healthier relationship with work and a new set of strategies and tactics to optimize my career path and my life. 

Dan, New York

I originally got in touch with Anne as I felt stuck in my career and was simply looking for practical guidance on how to progress. Her structured, pragmatic program has helped me with my career - I've landed a new role I'm excited about and feel comfortable and even energised in navigating the inevitable uncertainty that comes with transitions. What I wasn't expecting was that she'd also provide a fundamental change in my personal outlook on life. Six months ago I would have scoffed at the notion of 'personal growth' but my conversations with Anne have led to a greater degree of self-awareness, self-confidence and self-worth. As glib as it sounds, I feel much happier. Thank you!

Max, London

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Feeling lighter, clearer, and more energized.

Yui, Seattle
I kept trying to fit my life into work – from schedules to expectations, and from measures of success to standards of being a leader. Work and life started to feel in conflict with each other. Feeling adrift but optimistic, I sought help from Anne who came highly recommended from a friend. In our time together, I was able to align my work with my life–to practice the values I hold most dear and invest time in my deepest-seated curiosities and interests. And suddenly each day felt exquisite. Like I was tapping into my truest self. My confidence grew as did my sense of fulfillment, which only further benefited my work and life endeavors--a rising tide lifting all boats. As the name implies, the Career Studio gave my relationship with work a makeover, and my life looks and feels better now.

Lauren, New York

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I've learned so much about myself, my strength and my power! Before working with a career coach, I didn't realize how many ways I was blocking myself from my own potential nor did I have the tools to actually do anything about it. Career coaching provided me with the support I needed to blossom in the next steps of my career and move forward with become a business-owner. Working with Anne has been a game changer and she's truly helped me shift into a more aligned place in both my career and in my life!

Aubree, Connecticut

Anne was truly a beacon of hope in a very overwhelming and chaotic time in my career! When we started our sessions, I felt very fragile and out of control. I was having trouble doing basic things like delegating work and setting boundaries. She helped me gain the confidence and wisdom to bring order and structure to the chaos. I feel so ready for the next chapter of my career because of my work with Anne!

Amelia, Chicago

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Stepping off the career ski-lift.

Nick, Sydney
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No matter my mood or level of focus, Anne always managed to support me with her coaching techniques. I am clearer on my priorities and know exactly how to go about setting goals, scheduling projects and structuring my time in order to achieve these goals. Anne has also worked with me on emotional regulation and intentional thought processes to get into the right mindset for professional and personal success. 

Eva, Lisbon

The sooner you work with Anne, the better. She has given me confidence, direction, and a whole arsenal of skills that I didn't have before. She offers guidance and direction while always prioritizing your passions and humanity. During our time together I landed a great role that built up my skill set and two months after we finished working together I used this job experience and the skills I'd learned with Anne to land my dream role. I don’t think I could be feeling so confident about this transition in my life without the time that we spent working together. I am so excited! And so ready for this next stage of my life. 

Claire, Seattle

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