The Career Studio Podcast with Anne Beneviste



The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep

Redundancy Game Plan

Redundancy is on everyone’s lips. Have you recently been made redundant? Is your company threatening redundancies? Are you considering leaving your job and restructuring your career? Then you’ll want to listen to this episode....

The Career Studio Podcast Ep

How to connect to your gut

Have you ever had a sense that you shouldn't do something ... and yet, you did it anyways. And then you kicked yourself afterwards when the result isn’t what you wanted because you felt like you had a sense that you shouldn’t do whatever is it that you did?

The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep

Strive for B- work

When we strive for an A in everything, when we want everything to be perfect, we are either unable to keep up with life’s competing demands or we burn out. So what if I told you the secret is striving for B- work? 

The Career Studio Podcast Ep

The passion and purpose trap

Find your passion, follow your purpose are two of the biggest red herrings when it comes to creating an energizing career you love. I explain why this is and what you should focus on instead in this episode...


The Career Studio Podcast Ep
The Career Studio Podcast Ep