Let's create an energizing career you love.
Do you feel...
- Bored by the work you're doing
- Low levels of motivation
- Unclear about what you want next
- Not sure where to start
- Nervous about having to 'start again'
- Afraid of failure
- Like you've reached a ceiling
- In a rut / stagnating
- Dread when you look at your to do list
- Like you're at a crossroads
- Worried about pursuing your ideas
- Burned out from juggling it all
You're clear on who you are, what you want, and how to evolve your career accordingly.
You make money AND have fun doing work that is meaningful.
You spend your time doing things you do best.
You feel full of energy, ready to take on each day.
You have time for personal priorities alongside your professional commitments.
Your to do list doesn't stress you out and you get done what you need to on time.
You trust yourself.
You navigate uncharted territory with self-confidence and conviction.
You feel calmer and happier.
You can hear your gut - and you know how to use it to make aligned decisions.
And it all feels easy because you just have to be more of who you are.
This future is possible for you.
How does it work?
A Playbook For Career Alignment and Fulfillment
When you boil down the noise there are actually four fundamental things to focus on to create an energizing career you love. Think about it like the foundation of a house. You need a sturdy foundation to build a sturdy house. Equally, you need a sturdy foundation to create an aligned, fulfilling career. When you feel lost, stuck, or burned out it's because your foundation needs strengthening.
Together we strengthen your foundation and put the insight into action to re-create your career so that it energizes you. You'll leave equipped to apply this playbook again and again throughout your life as inevitably, who you are and what you want evolve.

Your Brand
Get clear on your natural strengths, genuine interests, and lifestyle priorities and how to bring them together and use them as a compass for your career.

Your People
Learn how to have authentic, efficient networking conversations that help you navigate your concerns and open doors to opportunities.

Your Mindset
Unwind from the beliefs that are making you feel confused, worried and insecure. Learn how to think on purpose to create the results you want.

Your Time
Learn how to set, communicate, and hold the boundaries you need to thrive. Learn to organize your time effectively and stop procrastinating.
Hi, I'm Anne
I spent a long time in my career trying to fit into a mold of what I thought 'success' looked like.
I did an MBA and worked in tech because I thought those were the components of a successful career. I was miserable. Bored, under-performing, and burning out.
When I found coaching everything clicked. Here was something I was inherently good at, genuinely interested in, and supported my lifestyle priorities.
If only I'd figured it out sooner! So I set about creating a simple, repeatable system for figuring out who you are, what you want, and building your career around that.
Because it takes less energy to be yourself. When you create a career that's a great fit for the person that you are, this is when you'll thrive, have the most fun, and create the most impact.
Anyone can do it if you know what to focus on.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
- Von Goethe
There are a variety of programs to suit your needs.